Elmore.ru // Lineage II: Gracia Final
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 Angel Slayer Bestows one of the following functions: Crt. Damage, HP Drain or Haste.
 Angel Slayer Crt. Damage Increases P.Atk by 265 when a critical attack occurs. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
 Angel Slayer Haste Increases attack speed by about 7%. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
 Angel Slayer HP Drain Restore 3% of melee damage inflicted on the enemy to oneself in HP. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
 Angel Slayer Blade Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a angel slayer. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
 Recipe: Angel Slayer (100%) For Dwarves only. The recipe for an angel slayer. Requires Create Item Skill Level 9. The success rate is 100%.
 Recipe: Angel Slayer (60%) For Dwarves only. The recipe for an angel slayer. Requires Create Item Skill Level 9. The success rate is 60%.

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